7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing

October 18, 20130 Comments

Today is Digital Friday at Once a Day Marketing™ and we are starting a two-part series that highlights our 7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing©.

If you are launching or managing a social media campaign, it’s important to ensure you address each of the 7Cs which include: Commitment, Customers/Clients, Campaign, Content, Consistency, Capture and Cultivate. Today we look at the first four components.

Commitment: To be a successful inbound marketer you have to make a firm commitment to your effort. Inbound marketing delivers results but it doesn’t happen overnight. Benefits begin to accrue immediately but the tipping point will come later. This means that you have to be committed to allocating the appropriate time and/or financial resources.

Customers/Clients: The great thing about inbound marketing is that you can target existing customers, potential customers and even capture the interest of individuals who were never on your radar. Think hard about who you want to follow your content and messaging. This list of candidates will help shape your inbound marketing campaign.

Campaign: Knowing target customers will enable you to develop an inbound marketing campaign and identify which social media channels to leverage for sharing content. Will it be Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Twitter or one of the plethora of new sites emerging everyday? You can’t keep up on every channel, however, to be successful you don’t have to utilize all of them. Your campaign should use social media avenues that best reach your targets.

Content: Content is king in the social media environment and it is imperative that content be relevant so it will resonate with your audience. Creating and posting meaningless content is a waste of time, creates clutter, and will be quickly “unfollowed” by your customers. Appealing content consisting of videos, photos,blogs, text messaging, etc., will be followed, shared, liked, re-tweeted, commented on, and easily discovered through search engines.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at www.onceadaymarketing.com. You may also contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email glover@onceadaymarketing.com

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

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